Sunday, February 13, 2011


Mady made an owl for her Valentine's Day party box this year.
It's saying Whoooo wants to be my Valentine?
I don't know who wouldn't love this cute little face!
She did a terrific job, and I'm sure she will have a fun party tomorrow.


Everyone in the Shiplett house LOVES a good Coldstone cake.
We all have our favorites, and everyone's is different, but
this year for Valentine's Day, I got the cake they had especially for the holiday.
It is a red velvet cake with strawberry dipped chocolate ice cream, covered with chocolate ganache.
Yes, it was as good as it sounds. :)


Kate's grandpa is in the hospital suffering from stage 4 bone cancer. 
He isn't doing well. 
I went to pick her up from ODU to go see him, and she's been at the hospital pretty much all weekend
spending time with him.
Please keep he and Kate in your thoughts. Ralph is a very kind and generous man. 
Kate is very close to him, 
and I know this is very hard for her.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Sweet Treats to take to school.


Mady and I agree that Picnic Pizza is definitely a slice of heaven. :) Mmmmmm


They are so sweet when they are sleeping. :)


Miss Lily has been having trouble sleeping this week. 
She goes through every excuse imaginable to get in and out of bed.
The conversation this evening (during multiple trips in and out of the bedroom) went something like this:
Lily - I need a drink
Me - You don't need a drink, you need to go back to bed.
Lily - I need a snack
Me - You are not eating this late, goodnight.
Lily - I need a hammer to fix this for you (a nail still up from Christmas decorations)
Me - It's OK, I will get it later, please go back to bed.
Lily - I want to change my pajamas, I don't like these.
Me - Lily! go to bed!
Lily - I have to go to the potty. 
Which is when this picture took place. You can see the defeated look on her face. 
She realizes this is the very last trip that is going to be tolerated. LOL

Saturday, February 5, 2011

2-5-11 and 2-6-11

The girls and I went ice skating today and had a great time!
I have a lot of pictures to share of our time together, 
so I'm combining Saturday and Sunday into one post this weekend.
I hadn't been ice skating since high school, so considering that, I didn't do too bad. 
I do have a nice sized bruise on my knee from a few good falls. :)
Katelyn did great when she could get away from Lily and get off on her own for a while.
Lauryn was a natural speed skater zooming around the rink.
Mady was thrilled that she picked it up pretty quickly and was skating on her own within minutes.
and Lily had a ball keeping all of us busy holding her up while she made her way around the ice. :)
It was a lot of fun, and we all look forward to going again!

Friday, February 4, 2011


The girls decided they would have a slumber party tonight, and on the agenda was cupcake making.
They made pink cupcakes and decorated them with sprinkles, chocolate chips, and fruit. 
They turned out to be quite tasty!


 Tried a new recipe today for avacado egg rolls. 
Craig and I had them at the Cheesecake Factory and I've been craving them ever since!
Found a copycat recipe online, and they were fantastic.
There ya go Cindy, more food! :)


Isn't it cute how thrilled little ones get about watching 
popcorn pop in the microwave.
She could stand there all day! :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Mady has inherited my love for making lists.
I will make lists for anything and everything. I'm not a master at completing the plan on each of my lists,
but I can make a list like nobody's business! 
I saw this list in Mady's notebook today and it put a big smile on my face!
She is so much fun! This is her list for the things she will need for her wedding. :)
You can click on the picture and it should enlarge so that you can read it, but if you can't, I'll copy it here for you:
For My Wedding I Need:
something old
something new
something borrowed
something blue
a long pink gown
a beautiful boquet of Lilys
handsome fiance
at least 50 guests
I also love how she has the items checked off that she already has - soemthing old, borrowed, and blue.
I wonder if all little girls are planning their weddings already at age 8. Is it Barbie that does it to us, 
or are we just born hopeless romantics?


Cindy is always posting pictures of food on her blog, making me hungry.
She asked me recently if I ever cook, so YES, Cindy, I cook, and I'm posting this just for you!
I made chopped steak, baked potatoes, and green beans, and it was very good. :)
I got these new square plates for Christmas, and I absolutely love them!
It's amazing how happy dishes can make me, but I think food looks and tastes better off of these plates!
And I love the square surface, because I hate my food touching, and I have more space to spread things out. LOL


I've had this quote up on my bathroom wall for a couple of years now.
It's a favorite, and I love that it reminds me every morning to focus on my blessings.
I've had this shelf up under the quote with nothing on it waiting to find something that "fit".
I found some cute little votive cups this weekend and got some sand, stones, and shells to complete the picture.
Now I like it even more. :)

Saturday, January 29, 2011


The quote I used on this picture is a quote from Grey's Anatomy.
I have many friends that I treasure and love.
Some that I've had since childhood and some that I met later in life.
When my friend, Brooke, and I met 9 years ago, teaching 2nd grade together,
we immediately clicked.
 I'm pretty sure we always know what the other one is thinking.
I could tell her anything, call her anytime, and know that she will be there for me no matter what.
And I'm pretty sure if I did do something as drastic as murder someone, she would help me dispose
of the body first, and then afterwards say, "So, what the hell happened?" LOL
She is my person. :)


These are pictures from our 2010 summer vacation at Lake Hope State Park.
Craig and I have been discussing our family vacation for 2011.
We have our old favorite places that we like to go, such as Lake Hope, King's Island, etc.,
but we are also curious about checking out some new places.
Anybody have any ideas of not too far away places that you enjoy going
with lots of fun, cheap, family friendly activities?


I've been battling my weight for quite a few years now. I've started back to Weight Watchers, 
along with doing a Weight Loss Challenge competition at work.
After weigh in this week, I've lost 9 and 1/2 pounds in the past 2 weeks!
I'm really determined to meet my goal this year!!!
This is my "before" summer picture from our vacation in 2010. 
I'm hoping to replace it with a new bathing suit and a new body, 
with no wrap around towel necessary this summer in 2011.
Wish me luck! :)


Tater is the member of our family that hasn't been featured on the blog yet.
He is such a great dog, and brings a lot of joy and love to our household. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


This is my little ballerina getting ready to go to dance with her new tutu bag.
She's such a cutie! :)

Monday, January 24, 2011


I ordered Craig this guitar strap for his birthday.
It took a little while longer to arrive than expected, and just came today.
He is a big Pink Floyd / David Gilmour fan.
This strap is a copy of the original Jimi Hendrix strap that Gilmour now wears.
I ordered it from Englad from the man who actually did restoration work on the original strap, and
who does handmade leather straps and clothing for many big name guitarists. 
It was pricey, but it's great quality, and my musician was very excited to receive it! 
I think I earned some brownie points for this gift, even though it took a while to arrive! :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011


The girls and I went to visit little baby Jersey today.
They all enjoyed holding her. She is such a cutie! 

The girls also had a great time playing with Jaycee.
They can't wait for another playdate!


Mady and Lily got new tutu bags to carry their ballet shoes/sweater/etc. to class.
This is the use Mady has found for her bag.......

Friday, January 21, 2011


I'm gonna regret this, I'm sure.....
but - between seeing my friend Billie so happy with her de-cluttering process
and with the stress and chaos that goes along with clutter and disorganization,
I have decided that I need to take the first step to making our lives more simple and organized 
in the Shiplett Home.
This is the first project that I'm tackling tomorrow - the laundry room, AKA the "just-throw-it-in-there" room.
Whenever I come across something that doesn't fit somebody or is the wrong "season", I throw it up on that top shelf. Yea, attractive, I know. And, under all of those clothes that were once folded, until the kids came and "sorted" through what is there to find something to wear, is a table. The floor underneath all this is just as cluttered and crazy!
My picture tomorrow (or maybe Sunday) is going to be the laundry room clean and organized. 
If I commit to it on the blog, then I have to get it done, right............? ugh

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Drew received his acceptance letter from the Ohio State University today!
He has been set on their architecture program for a while now, and was anxiously waiting to hear from them.
I'm very proud of him and know that he will do great things! 
Oh, the places he'll go...... :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


The really fun thing about having so many girls in our house is that a tea party can just pop up in the middle of the week, and all of the sudden we are all dressed up, making toasts, and speaking in British accents. 
Here's to girls, flowers, butterflies, and tea parties! Cheers!


Craig got a bass for Christmas last year. .
The journey started out with me cringing at hearing the same 2 or 3 songs played over and over and over...
but now, I really enjoying hearing him play - he's worked up to a nice selection of music,
and he sounds great!
It's kinda cool to be married to a musician. :)

Monday, January 17, 2011


If I were able to meet one individual from history, it would be
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
I have so much respect and admiration for him. 
I share this love for Dr. King's ideas with my children, 
and always hope that they will judge others not by what they see on the outside, 
but by what they see on the inside. 
I want them to live life with peace, love, and hope in their hearts. 
I'm very proud to say that I see this in them daily.
They are very tolerant, open-minded, accepting individuals.
Above their grades, their ability to complete chores, their athletic talents, or
any of that other stuff we want our kids to be good at,
I want them to be good at being good human beings, 
and in my opinion, they excel at it!


Tonight Drew had friends over to celebrate his birthday.
Two big birthdays in two weeks - I'm physically and emotionally exhausted, but....
I'm very proud of the wonderful children that I'm watching develop into wonderful adults. 


Saturday, I met up with two of my good friends, Marilyn and Missy.
We talked about what life has brought for our families since we saw each other last. 
We ate, drank, and solved each other's problems within an evening. 
Who needs therapy when you have good friends?


Friday was records day at school, and Jess brought her precious new little girl, Jersey, to meet everyone.
Everyone knows that I LOVE babies. 
I would be content to hold them all day everyday!
Children bring color to our lives, and love to our hearts. 
Welcome to the world Jersey Girl.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


My baby boy turned 18 today. 
His laugh and his smile still melt my heart.
He is definitely my sonshine. :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


We had a great Snow Day today! The day starting out with us getting plenty of rest!
We've all been passing around cold symptoms for weeks! 
After that we had fun making cookies

And playing board games
Notice that Mady is even reading as we play board games,
I tell ya, that girl always has her nose in a book!
Also notice that Miss Organization has all of her blocks lined up just so, 
while Mady and I have ours in a heap in front of us.
And of course, we caught up on some of our favorite shows.

And I got in a lot of picnik time

It was a great day!